History of the Child Care Center

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
Colossians 2:6-7
There had been much discussion over the years about the need for more child care in and around Beatrice. In July 2017, the congregation began serious discussions to include a Child Care Center at the school. A committee was formed and discussion of where it would go and how we were going to fund it began. During discussions, the committee focused on that adding a Child Care Center will provide quality Christian child care for our community and to spread the word of Christ to more families.

Soon after, placement of the child care was decided to go into the Early Childhood Center side of the school, the Early Childhood classroom would move to the computer lab and then the computer lab moved in to the conference room. Once the decision was made, renovations began in the building. Renovations also had to be made outside as well. Parking spots had to be marked, and the grass area to the north of the building became a fenced in playground.

Funding was needed to make all these changes possible. Many grants were written. St. Paul's started to receive donations from various people for a new Child Care on February 11, 2018. They received $9,222.99 from the Foundation on April 29, 2018. A major grant of $7,891.26 came from DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) to cover start-up costs. All donations were completely spent by August 31, 2018. The goal was to have the Child Care Center be a self-supporting entity. Although, that will take a few years, but it is a goal that they will continue to strive for.

While getting the space and funds were important, they also needed to focus on finding the right person to lead the Center. Throughout the startup and preparations, the principal of the school served as the Interim Director, as she had the degree for it. The first director was hired July 1, 2018, and the Child Care Center opened its doors on August 6, 2018. Finding the right fit for a director did take some time. The first director was on staff until October 11, 2019. From October 8, 2019, to March 1, 2020, there was an interim director, while the search was on for a permanent director. The second director was on staff from February 4, 2020, to September 17, 2021. From September 2021 to December 2021 the principal once again served as the Interim Director while another search continued. A third director was on staff December 17, 2021, to August 10, 2022. For a short time, the principal filled in as the interim director again. Then finally our current (fourth) director came on in August 2022.

Once the Child Care Center opened, a need was seen to also include an after-school program, where children can go to have a snack, do their homework, and to have some play time while they wait for their parents to pick them up.

In late 2019, talk began around the world of the coronavirus disease, eventually called COVID-19. By January 2020, the first cases appeared in the United States. COVID-19 had a significant impact on our Child Care Center. In March 2020, the doors closed for approximately two weeks, until they were able to reopen again. Staff had to wear masks and the children could come back if they were COVID free for two weeks. Reopening did not mean that life was back to normal. School was still not in session, but child care was needed as parents needed to go to work. Many precautions were put into place and only a limited number of children were allowed until August 2020. Many challenges were encountered every day, which made caring for the children difficult, but the staff persisted.

After August 2018, the goal was to get the center running smoothly and finding out what worked and what did not with the space available. The number of children in child care and the after-school program continued to grow. With this growth, there was a need to continue to receive donations and to write grants to help off set some of the costs. By March 26, 2021, individual donations of $2,480.81 had been received. Although, individual donations are very important, the staff also focused on writing grants. Grants that have been received to aid the center in caring and providing for the children are: In March 2021, a $5,550 grant was received from the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services. In December 2021, notice was received that a grant of $27,000 was awarded. The first part of $13,500 was received in December 2021, and the second part of $13,500 was received April 15, 2022. On November 14, 2022, a $19,730 Stabilization Grant from the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services was received. Then on May 31, 2023, another Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services Stabilization Grant in the amount of $24,850 was received to be used for Child Care payroll and for new turf on the playground.

As the need continues to grow in the community for child care, our Center and after school program continue to grow today. We are currently outgrowing the space that we have and are unable to take babies or young children as separate classrooms are needed. Comments have been made, do we need to look at expanding what we have or should we build a separate building to house the Child Care Center.

Today the Child Care has a staff of one director, one lead teacher, ten part-time staff, and an enrollment of 30 children and 39 children in an after-school program. The staff are not only caregivers to these children, but also teachers, as the children are learning something new every day. The Child Care gives the kids and parents a place for their children to learn, play, and grow safely and hear God's word.