Worship Service on 4/9/2023, 9:00 a.m.

Apr 9, 2023    Rev. Daryn Bahn

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ after His passion and death gives us the verification that we need that He is the promised King written about in the Old Testament and prophesied by saints and prophets. Instead of begging God Almighty to bless only a human man, the Father’s raising Him affirms that all Jesus claimed to be, including His oneness with the Father, is true in time and for eternity. We do not pray, therefore, “Long live the King,” but “Long lives the King,” for He is alive and with us forever. Death has been destroyed, our sins have been atoned for, and eternity with God is available to all people who place their hope in Jesus, God’s own Lamb and our Savior. Rejoice! Sing alleluias! And tell the news that Christ “abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10).