Worship Service for March 2, 2025
In the transfiguration, Jesus gave the disciples a glimpse of his glory. But he also taught them that he would not finally and fully enter his glory until he had suffered and died for us (Lk. 9:31). Suffering would precede glory. The disciples who witnessed the transfiguration went on later to experience that same sequence them-selves—first suffering, then glory. As Peter, James, and John took up their crosses and followed after Christ, they suffered a great deal for the faith: James was the first of the twelve disciples to be martyred, killed with a sword at the order of King Herod (Acts 12:1–2). History records that Peter was later crucified under Roman Emperor Nero, and John was sent into exile on the island of Patmos for his dedication to Christ and his Word (Rev. 1:9). These witnesses of Jesus' glory bore heavy crosses in this life, but no more. They are now in paradise, worshiping the Lord with Moses, Elijah, with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven. The peace and joy they now have will never be taken away. And it is theirs because Jesus suffered and died for them and us on the cross before entering his glory. Our suffering will come to an end and will be followed by a glorious life without end!